The fulfillment of a lifelong endeavor, INOX WORX is the vision of its artistic founder, Sarkis Simitian. With more than a quarter century of furniture design, INOX WORX is the result of how obsessive attention to detail and a passion for traditional craftsmanship can lead to pure simplified design.

With a Liberal Arts education from New York University, Sarkis has always had a strong affinity to both the arts and the sciences. Equally passionate about architecture and engineering, every one of his furniture pieces is an expression of this amalgam. With deft use of materials and consideration given to their structural properties, each piece is conceived, designed and harmoniously executed with extensive knowledge of time tested joinery and a philosophy of simplicity shaped by the age old adage of “form follows function”.

Though not plainly apparent, Sarkis’ interest in furniture making and design has been strongly influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, including the likes of William Morris, Gustav Stickley, Greene and Greene and Frank Lloyd Wright. Throughout the decades what began as reproductions of the aforementioned titans’ oeuvres, has evolved into these unique contemporary designs that when looked at closely show their adulation to the old masters.

The contrast between the complexity of its preparation and the exquisite simplicity of its final presentation also pays homage to Mies Van Der Rohe’s tenet of “less is more” oxymoron. Complicated thought processes and detailing, are cloaked in an unpretentious appearance, that ultimately, provide Sarkis’ pieces their sculptural qualities.

With a commitment to meticulously hand craft luxury furniture that exudes a sense of simplicity, refinement and timelessness, each piece could stand the test of time - both in durability and aesthetic style.